Citation Payments

How to Pay for a Citation

Payment must be made within 21 days of citation issuance. Failure to pay the citation will result in the following:

  1. A late fee of double the original citation fee and
  2. A DMV hold, along with an additional $10 fee.

The Parking & Transportation Services Office does not accept cash, card or check payments for citations. Citation payments can be made one of two ways:

  1. Visit the Transportation Portal.
  2. Search for your citation using the citation number and the vehicle license plate.
  3. Find the citation you wish to pay and click Add to Basket.
  4. Click on the shopping basket at the top right-hand corner of the page and click Pay Now. There is a $3.95 convenience fee to pay online.
  5. Select your payment method.
  6. If you already have an account, you can click Log In. If you do not have an account, continue through Guest Checkout with an email address.
  7. Follow the prompts to complete your transaction. Do not let the payment pages idle for more than 15 minutes.
  8. If paid successfully, you should receive a confirmation page and receipt via email. You can also search the citation number again to confirm a $0 balance.

Send a check via mail to the following address:

San Diego State University
c/o Citation Collection Services
P.O Box 820
San Jose, CA 95106

Checks should be made payable to San Diego State University. Be sure to include the bottom section of the citation letter and your citation number on the check.