Payment Plans


Pursuant to California State University (CSU) Policy 4071 and AB 503, SDSU is offering two payment plan options. If your vehicle has been immobilized or towed, you will not qualify for a payment plan.

The citation payment plan processes are mandated by AB 503, which was enacted by the State Legislature, Assembly Bill 503, effective July 1, 2018 and requirements mandated by CSU Policy 4701.

Please review the payment plan options below. To request a payment plan, email [email protected] to request the required forms.

CSU Policy 4701

A registered owner or person responsible for the citations may enroll in a payment plan when they have multiple unpaid parking citations or at least owe a minimum of $200. You will only have 60 calender days from the issuance of a notice of parking violation or 10 days after an administrative hearing determination, whichever is later, to request to participate in a payment plan.  At plan enrollment, a minimum initial payment of 10% of the amount is owed, plus a $25 enrollment fee, is required. Subsequent payments will be made on a monthly basis as set by SDSU Parking & Transportation Services for the following durations, but citations may be paid in full at any time during the agreement. 

Payment Plan Duration

  • For fees beween $200 - $400, payment plans may not exceed six months.
  • For fees over $400, payment plans may not exceed nine months.

If you default on a payment plan, a subsequent payment plan will not be offered for those citations and any late fees placed in abeyance will be immediately reinstated.

CVC 40220

If you are low-income you have the right to request a payment plan due to your indigent status if you meet the criteria below.  You will only have 60 calendar days from the issuance of a notice of parking violation or 10 days after an administrative hearing determination, whichever is later, to file a request to participate in a payment plan.


  • You must submit the payment waiver of penalty application within 60 days of citation issuance or before requesting an administrative hearing.
  • You must be receiving and provide proof of public benefits from one or more of the following:
    • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or California Food Assistance Program (CFAP) and CALFresh
    • Supplementary Security Income (SSI) and State Supplementary Payment (SSP)
    • Cash Assistance Program for Aged, Blind, and Disabled legal immigrants (CAPI)
    • County Relief (CR), General Relief (GR), or General Assistance (GA)
    • In-home Supportive Services (IHSS)
    • Tribal TANF
    • CalWorks
    • Medi-CaL
    • Or your monthly income is 125 percent or less of current federal poverty guidelines.

Payment Plan Duration

  • Applications who owe $300 or less pay no more than $25 per month.
  • Applications who owe more than $300 will receive up to 18 months with manageable monthly installment payments to pay off outstanding penalties.

Please note, should you request and are approved for indigent status for a hearing and you are found liable for the citation, you will have only 10 days from receipt of your determination letter to request a payment plan.