Transportation Update

SDSU Community,

We are sharing the following updates for SDSU parking and transportation, which will be effective July 1, 2024 unless otherwise noted. 


  • The daily parking rate in three parking areas, Parking Structure 4, Parking Lot 17A/17B, and Parking Lot 15 will decrease to $4.75 per day (including fees). This “daily-choice” option is available exclusively through the PayByPhone app/website. Note: you cannot use this rate to park outside of P4, P17, or P15. Vehicles that pay in these zones but park outside of the areas are subject to citation. 
  • Long-term parking rates will increase by 6% for MPP, auxiliary staff, students*, guests, and other employees that are not members of a collective bargaining unit with negotiated parking rates. 
  • Parking rates for CFA-represented employees will increase by 5%. Parking rates for CSUEU-represented employees monthly parking will increase by $3/month and all rates will increase by a proportional amount to the monthly rate increase.  
  • SDSU will begin a 42% MTS transit pass discount for employees that wish to have a monthly pass through payroll deduction. Students will continue to have the option of a discounted monthly or semester pass through PATS. 
  • SDSU will launch a commute share (aka vanpool) program through Commute with Enterprise for groups that wish to save on commuting costs, share the ride, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 
  • In the fall semester, the Zipcar car share fleet will expand to include more vehicles, including electric vehicles. 
Transit Pass Programs

SDSU is well served by transit services, including the green line trolley station and 7 bus routes. Many MTS stations have free daily parking available. 

Students are eligible for a discounted and partially subsidized monthly or semester transit pass through Parking and Transportation Services. Students under the age of 19 are eligible for fare-free transit through the Youth Opportunity Pass program

In the coming months, PATS will begin a 42% discount for employee transit passes through payroll deduction. This will bring the monthly price from $72/month to $42/month. If you are interested in having the cost of the discounted pass deducted from your compensation, please complete this Google form to get started. 

Commute Share (aka Vanpool)

SDSU is launching a commute sharing program through Commute with Enterprise. Employees and students can participate, but drivers must be 25 years old or more and meet other criteria. Each van is eligible for a $500 subsidy from SANDAG. The monthly fee varies between $147 and $263 per passenger based on the type of vehicle and distance. This includes gas, insurance, maintenance, and a guaranteed ride home program. If you are interested in joining a commute sharing vehicle, please complete this Google form. Please contact [email protected] with any questions. 

Zipcar Car Sharing

The Zipcar car sharing program is expected to add 4 additional vehicles, including more electric vehicles. Car sharing is an affordable alternative to car ownership, and Zipcar fees include insurance, fuel, maintenance, and parking. SDSU affiliates can sign up for discounted membership and usage fees by using their SDSU email address. Sign up for discounted rates and get started here

Parking Rate Restructuring

Pursuant to state policy, parking is a self-sustaining service, and vehicle parking fees support the construction, maintenance, repair, and administration of parking areas. Parking fees also support traffic control measures and other programs that help reduce traffic, greenhouse gas emissions, and air pollution. The state of California does not provide funding for parking areas and tuition and mandatory fees cannot be used for parking. 

Due to inflation, staffing cost increases, and deferred maintenance, existing parking revenues are not sufficient to cover existing operating costs and critical repairs. Parking rates have not increased since 2019, and have not kept pace with inflation since 2015. Parking and Transportation Services (PATS), a unit within Business and Financial Affairs (BFA), undertook a comprehensive analysis of the parking budget and conducted extensive research into comparable parking rates and industry best practices from other peer institutions. As part of these fee adjustments, we must ensure that everyone pays a reasonable fair share for the parking system while keeping the academic mission of the university at the forefront.

In conjunction with an increase to long-term parking permit rates noted above and event parking rates, SDSU will conduct a reduced cost pilot program for all those who prefer to pay for a parking on an ad-hoc or daily basis (“daily-choice” parking). This will help offer affordable parking options in areas with lower parking utilization without having to pay the full cost of a permit up front. 

*Student summer permits will not increase until summer 2025. Fall semester permits will increase when sales begin on August 1, 2024. 

Permit Type Current MPP/Confidential/ Auxiliaries/UAW Updated MPP/Confidential/ Auxiliaries/UAW
Effective Date July 1, 2019 July 1, 2024
Daily - Affiliate $7.00 $7.42
Daily - Non-Affiliate $9.00 $9.54
Daily Mobile App Payment Rate (PayByPhone or other app) in P4, P17, P15 $15.35 $4.75
Weekly (Day Time) $15.00 $16.00
Weekly (24 hours) $23.00 $24.00
Monthly (Day Time) $40.00 $42.00
Monthly (24 hours) $60.00 $64.00
Semester (Day Time) $174.00 $184.00
Semester (24 hours) $276.00 $293.00
Summer (Day Time) $116.00 $123.00
Summer (24 hours) $181.00 $192.00
Semester Motorcycle $37.00 $39.00
Summer Motorcycle $26.00 $28.00
Monthly Payroll (MPP/UAW/Aux/Confidential) $40.00 $42.00
SP Permits $30.00 $32.00

Frequently Asked Questions

In order to offer an affordable alternative to paying for parking up-front, the reduced daily rate will offer a “pay as you go” option in areas of campus that have capacity. This may relieve pressure in more popular areas, such as P7 and P12. 

Parking rates have not increased in 5 years, and have not kept pace with inflation since 2015. As a self-sustaining unit, parking rates must reflect the cost of maintaining the parking system. 

Based on an analysis conducted in 2024, a review of regional peer institutions found that SDSU’s rates are significantly lower. SDSU’s long-term parking rates for students, MPPs, and auxiliaries are 38% lower than our peer CSU institutions in Southern California (average of $282.40/semester compared to SDSU’s $174/semester). Additionally, the semesterly parking rate is 48% lower than CSU San Marcos ($338/semester).

Pursuant to Title 5 of the California Education Code (EDC 89701.5), parking citation funds shall be used exclusively for the development, enhancement, and operation of sustainable/shared transportation programs for students and employees, for the mitigation of the impact of off-campus student and employee parking in university communities, and for the administration of the parking fines and forfeitures programs.

Major events cause larger traffic impacts and can be disruptive to our surrounding communities. Higher event parking fees help encourage carpooling and use of transit. Additionally, higher event parking rates provide traffic control services. 

Costs vary depending on the area, market conditions, and the type of parking being built. Building structured parking (i.e., parking garages) can cost between $80,000 to $130,000 per space. This may not include costs including, but not limited to, land acquisition, design costs, project management, specialized guidance systems, legal challenges, ongoing maintenance and repair, other lifecycle costs, etc. 

The university has many programs to provide transportation options. You can find out more information about transit programs, car sharing, commute sharing, micromobility, and more here. 

Yes. If you no longer wish to have a payroll deduction, you must submit a request to end the payroll deduction via email to [email protected]. Cancellations will be based on the State Controller’s Office reporting timeline.